Math Summer Assignments
Dear BKG Scholars:
Although the summer is upon us, we know how important it is that the skills you have learned throughout school thus far are maintained. For this reason, the BKG math development has developed some math tasks to keep your math skills sharp over the summer. The skills covered in these pages represent what we see as the most important concepts that need to be mastered before entering the new school year. Our hope is that you spread these exercises out over the summer.
All BKG Mathematicians are expected to complete this Summer Math Packet to be best prepared for their scheduled math class next year. This packet is due the second Friday of the upcoming 20-21 school year. Each Summer Math Packet will be entered as a homework grade in your teacher’s grade book. Any partially completed pages or problems will earn partial credit.
We appreciate all of your hard work in working to maintain math skills and to bridge the gap between this school year and the next. We are confident that proper preparation will start you off on a successful school year!
Be Well,
The BKG Math Department
PS. We highly recommend that incoming & current students purchase a copy of Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook: The Complete Middle School Study Guide to reference for an engaging tutorial and practice for major math concepts taught in the middle school math classroom.
Resources: For additional examples, support and practice refer to the following websites:
Big Ideas Online Textbook:
BKG 6th Grade Summer Practice - Khan Academy :
Multiplication Facts:
Summer Math
Download the PDF document to the right to get started!
Go to your BKG Math Google Classroom to access your math summer packet.